A Fate Worse Than Death
Everyone by now I'm sure knows the results of the Zacarias Moussaoui trial. I was sure that I would have found a bunch of blogs on the subject, but I was shocked not to see even one. Over shabbos I heard people saying he should have gotten the death penalty. He got away with it. If he doesn't get the death penalty who would? etc.
Quite frankly, after hearing the details of his sentence, better that they don't kill him. He will suffer much more living in a tiny cell 23 hours a day. Never again seeing the light of day. Never interacting with another human being other than the guards. If it was me, chas v'shalom, shoot me first.
No death penalty, but a life sentence of a fate even worse.
Shalom u'Vrakhah!
I discovered your blog from a comment you posted on David's blog. I respectfully disagree. I believe that moussaoui should have been shot within a short time of his capture. No trial, no fiasco. No reason for him to mock the US and all the victims from 9/11 the way he did after receiving his sentence. At least, a death sentence after a trial would have been a deterrent to future terrorists, perhaps. Certainly more so than the sentence he received.
Because the truth is, terrorists don't see this sentence as moral goodness. They view it as weakness, and act accordingly.
I agree with you, AFI. No need making him a martyr. Now if only they will feed him pork only and sleep deprive him as well. :-)
As someone who is generally against the death penalty to begin with I agree that he will languish behind bars...for him it's definitely a worse fate than death which he seemed to relish.
I agree with you! He basically got a "slow death" sentence
and the proof is, not that he didn't get the death penalty, lo and behold, he wants to change his plea. LOL... SUCKA!!!!!
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