Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You're So Vain

You're soooo vain
You probably think this post is about you
You're soooo vain
I'll bet you think this post is about you
Don't you? Don't you?

Tough dilemma here. I'm going to rank on and criticize you, so maybe it isn't about you. After all, you're perfect, so this post can't possibly be about you. But everything is about you, isn't it? Which means that in some way, yes, this post could be about you. Well, you will never read this, but I can tell you, it IS all about YOU.

I have never met anyone so self centered and self focused in my entire life. I have heard of nearsightedness, but not to the extent that I have seen in you. Yes, you do good things, you are a kind and wonderful person, but why is it that I ALWAYS have to hear about every good thing that you do? It makes me believe that the only time that you do good is still only when you benefit from it. Why can't you be like the rest of us and benefit internally, knowing that you have done a good thing and helped someone in need. Why the need for the banner and the advertisements?

We recently had a discussion/argument and you got all insulted and bent out of shape. If you would have taken a second, and taken a step back, you would have realized that what I was saying made so much sense. Not for my benefit, but for the sake of the other people. But you can't realize that. NO. It must be about YOU.

You have always had issues in both your professional life and your family life. Did you ever consider that it's because you don't care about anybody but yourself? No, I doubt you can even comprehend such a concept.

Even the last conversation we had. First you kept talking and talking and wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise. Then again, why should you. What you have to say is important. You must be heard.
You kept pushing me for my job title. Don't you realize that my title means nothing to me? I know you need it so that you can brag about your ..... the ....... That's not me. Sorry. BH, I am making a good salary, and I am not asking you to borrow money (I'll never make that mistake again) shouldn't that be enough? It is to me.

Circumstances have forced us together, and yes, in spite of everything that I wrote I do like you. I even love you. But we are soooooo different. I can't begin to count the ways. I accept you for who and what you are, mainly because I know that you will NEVER change. Why should you, you're perfect, right?

I have never said this to your face. I don't plan to, ever. Why? Because if I did that would be disrespectful and besides it wouldn't change anything other than denting your ever so sensitive ego. It's enough your family and everyone around you knows. Speaking of which, do you have any close friends? Think about that.


Blogger FrumGirl said...

Woah... AFI... what passion! Amazing! You sound seriously pissed off about this person! Sounds like they have very wronged you.... Judging from your previous posts about patience and stuff, this must really be a deserved blast at whomever. Love/hate... what a fine line!

March 22, 2006 12:51 PM  
Blogger chaverah said...

whoah!, what the hell? Are you sure AFI is writing this or did someone highjack the blog?????? If it is you frum idealist, than take a step back and breath. This person doesnt deserve a whole blog about him/her. You have wasted precious space on your blogsite!

March 22, 2006 4:08 PM  
Blogger smb said...

AFI, I know what you mean. I don't like when people are arrogent either.
Take a breath and relax. Don't let them ruin your day.

March 22, 2006 4:49 PM  
Blogger A Frum Idealist said...

well, believe it or not, I actually did not post this in a state of anger. I had already taken a few steps back, waited a few days, breathed a few breaths and then posted this.
yes, this person has wronged me, but that's not even what it's all about. It's the attitude and self-centeredness that I can't deal with.

March 22, 2006 5:27 PM  
Blogger Pragmatician said...

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March 23, 2006 3:15 AM  
Blogger Pragmatician said...

didn't breath till the very last word of the post.Was blogging about it a good outlet?

March 23, 2006 6:02 AM  
Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Good for you....
We've become such a soft society..I think a little anger is the right dosage of course

March 23, 2006 11:21 AM  
Blogger Mata Hari said...

I'm guessing it's a relative.
So healthy to get it all out in writing.
Have a good Shabbos.

March 24, 2006 2:31 AM  

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