Monday, September 18, 2006

Near Tragedy

Five years ago today (in English). The first day of Rosh Hashana. The first day of 5762. The world still reeling in the aftermath of 9/11. Davening in shul. The Rav speaks before Tekias Shofar. Start saying Lamnatzeach. Once.... twice.... was that three or four? Why is someone tapping me on the shoulder? Why now? What do they want NOW? I'm trying to concentrate on the Lamnatzeachs. Next thing I know, Hatzala is whisking me home in an ambulance. They won't even tell me what's wrong. Oh my G-d! Oh my G-d! I race into the house. She's conscious. She looks over at me. I hope she's ok. Please G-d let her be ok.
My stomach doing unbelievable flip-flops. Reality setting in.
Oh my G-d!
Off she goes in the ambulance. Walking back to shul. What do I tell the others? What do I say? What do I do? So many questions. Don't want to face the questions now. At the moment, NO answers.....
Mussaf. Shmoneh Esrai. What do I do? How am I supposed to daven? How can I daven now? How can I do anything else BUT daven now? My face buried deep in the siddur. Tears flowing freely now. The words I have said thousands of times before, won't come out. I NEED to daven now. I NEED things to be ok. What a struggle.... "Hashem Sefasai Tiftach....." without YOUR help Hashem, to open my lips, I can't pray before you and beg YOU, and only you, for your help.
Sooo ironic.

BH, the help was there, what came close to being an unspeakable tragedy is now BH nothing more than a very scary memory. Then came the thinking. The analyzations. The questions. More questions. The strongest being why? why??? What did we do wrong to deserve this near tragedy, and on, of all days, Rosh Hashana itself. Perhaps the most important question, what did we do right for which we were rewarded with the fact that it was only a NEAR tragedy and disaster was averted. Questions that remain until this day. Answers that won't be revealed in this world. At the end of the day, only one thing to say: "Modim anachnu lach Hashem Elokainu....."


Blogger anonym00kie said...

wow scary, thank g-d it worked out..

September 18, 2006 9:57 PM  
Blogger Neil Harris said...

As usual, your perspective tends to help direct us all to what's really important in life. Thanks.

September 19, 2006 12:53 AM  
Blogger FrumGirl said...

Sounds absolutely terrifying and on such a day! BH everything is ok now!

September 19, 2006 4:15 PM  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

glad things are ok sorry you had the scare. Kesiva vechesima tova.

September 19, 2006 7:02 PM  
Blogger Sara with NO H said...

wow...I can feel the emotion in this post seeping from the page. I was almost hoping to read at the end and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl or something. My heart is still in my chest.
Kesivah vchasima tova to you and yours

September 19, 2006 11:53 PM  
Blogger Pragmatician said...

What a tense filled Rosh Hashanah;Now each Rosh Hashanah I'm sure that your kavanh is just a tad higher than most people’s as it reminds you of something so specific.

September 20, 2006 11:31 AM  
Blogger chaverah said...

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September 20, 2006 1:43 PM  
Blogger chaverah said...

wow frum idealist, what a story! Pragmatician made a good point however I dont understand why we have to go through such shake ups in our lives. Why did god create us in such a way that we need these wake up calls! Thanks for sharing this story with us and I hope to have my own kavanah without having to suffer through a scare or tragedy

September 20, 2006 1:45 PM  
Blogger kasamba said...

That's enough to change the gist of anyone's Tefillos!
Boruch Hashem everything worked out ok!

September 25, 2006 4:38 PM  

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