The Esoteric Meaning of Numbers - Numerology 106
Who knows SIX?
I know SIX.
Six are the books of the Mishnah.
We have established that the numbers one through five were powers or forces that exist in the world. Now we start on the second set of five. The number six therefore, is the first number that is physical and real and somewhat tangible.
The Torah is beautiful and spiritual and theoretical, but it's not practical. We are told to wear tefillin, but what are tefillin? We are told that we must rest on shabbos, but how do you define rest? If you follow the Torah literally, you are a tziduki and not a frum Jew. It's only when the Mishnah comes around explains the Torah into physical reality that we can follow it. The Mishnah tells us that tefillin are back boxes with straps that have parshiyos written in them. It's the Mishnah that teaches us the 39 melachos of shabbos and what constitutes violating rest. The number six is taking the theoretical and making it real.
There are three dimensions in space, but we can't see them. There are two sides though to every dimension, which makes six sides in the physical world: up, down and all four sides. Similarly, in time, (and btw, the Maharal wrote about the connection between space and time and the continuum over 600 years ago. Well before Einstein) there are three dimensions, past, present and future, they too have two sides which translate into the six days of the week (obviously leaving shabbos out, for now).
Which letter corresponds to the number six? The letter "vav". Vav is a line, and literally means a hook. The vav, the six is the hook that connects that spiritual world with the reality of our physical world. I don't think it's any coincidence that the number six is the first answer that is a by-product of man and not Hashem.
Thanks that was very nice. The actual word spelled out means what? I forgot do you know?
the word vav means a hook.and if you look at the way it's written in the torah it looks like a stick with a hook at the end. Also, if I'm not mistaken the first word in the Torah that starts with a vav (not including ones where the vav is merely a suffix) is the word vavim, hooks, for use in the mishkan.
very nice. short and sweet..
but i have two questions for you. you say there are three dimensions, past, present and future and they each have two sides - what are those two sides? what does that mean?
also im not sure what this means: that the six is the first number that is a by-product of man and not Hashem?
On a more elementary level if you look at the letter "vav" from a grammatical view it means "and", thus to quote you "The number six is taking the theoretical and making it real." The "vav" is a bridge b/t the theoretical and the real.
Great post. Hope you have a fantastic Shabbos Kodesh.
I knew vav looked like a hook but didn't know that was the meaning thanks.
Comment 6!
Nice...However...I eagerly await your response to anonym00kie..because those 2 questions were bothering me as well.
Very interesting and abstract at the same time... I suppose just like Torah B'ksav....
OK, I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to answer sooner....
I'm not exactly sure what the two sides of time means. My guess is before and after. The point though is that we understand that the three dimensions of space have two sides, and if space and time are equated, then there must be two sides to time as well.
To answer your second question, the one through five were Hashem, and his "creations", the luchos, the avos, the imahos and the torah. The number six, which is the mishnah was the thought process of man. Man, who was created on the sixth day of creation!
very nice, thanks for the clarifications!
now you have 9 comments.. thats upside down 6 :)
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