Im Eshkachaich Yerushalayim Tishakach Yemini
I had originally planned on posting something else yesterday and again today, but then I felt, how can I post about other things when my home and land are involved in such turmoil.
I wanted to post something, but felt I couldn't do it justice, so instead I will post links to Jameel and his constant mesiras nefesh, updating us on a very regular basis and also to frumgirl's latest post and my long winded comment there.
I want to close with a thought. We say shmoneh esray three times a day, and even if we have strong kavanos at the beginning, towards the end, at least in my case, it starts to wane. The last bracha is the bracha of "Sim Shalom" where we are asking hashem to grant us peace. Let's all make EVERY effort when we daven to have exceptionally strong kavana at that point, and in that zechus, Hashem should hear our prayers and restore peace to our land, the way it was 3300 years ago.
good point about the shmoney esrei.. will work on it, thanks!
Thanks for the pointers -and your point!
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this site too
Yashar Koach. Your post leads me to ask myself, "when will my deeds reach the level of my fellow bloggers?" Thanks for using your blog for the Tov.
I tend to have the same lack of concentration towards the end of the Shmoneh Esrei.
Somethign to work on.
that was beautiful!
I agree. I had so many topics I wanted to bring up on my post, but I felt that with all that is going on now in our holy land, I must put them on the back burner for a while and concentrate on the goings on in Israel. We shall see how long I will manage to stay away from other topics though.....
The best thing to do when you lose concentration, is to stop where you are, think about who you are standing before, then when you can focus, return to where you were. If you do this, then you can say everything with the proper Kavannah.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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